Warkworth Show - Help needed! Can you help your village show in any of these ways? In the weeks before the Show: Extra people would be very welcome to help distribute schedules On the Friday before the Show: Lots of extra hands are needed from 8 am to help put up tents and tables On Show Day: Could you give a hand to dismantle everything and help clear the site after the show closes at 5pm? Also on Show Day: Between 10 am and 6 pm could you spare an hour or so to help on the gates, sell raffle tickets or act as a Steward? Anyone willing to join the team please contact Liz McMillan - Tel: 01665 712410 The Warkworth Show is a traditional part of our village life. It can't happen without volunteers. We really would appreciate any offers of help - the more people involved the better!
The Warkworth Show